Human-to-Human Encounters


“If you want to travel, you must first have love for the country and its people.” – Theodor Fontane


For us, “travelling” is not only about getting around but above all about developing a mental attitude.

Immersive Travel Experience

Away from mass tourism, we aim to immerse ourselves in the culture, traditions, and history of a country while also experiencing its modernity. Encounters with locals play a major role. To truly understand a country, as travelers, we must engage with the local population, treating them with respect and genuine interest. This engagement often requires courage, but the rewards are plentiful: smiles, warm encounters, and unforgettable memories.

Meaningful Interactions

On our trips, we meet families in their homes, visit craftsmen and artists, and interact with businesswomen and teachers. We converse with coffee producers in Colombia, balsa wood artists in Nicaragua, and noble families in India. These exchanges and dialogues help us understand the country and its people in all their diversity. Where better to learn about the everyday life of a Kyrgyz family than in their own home? And where better to understand the life of a Ceylonese tea picker or the Indian school system than from the people themselves?

Encouragement for Travelers

We encourage you as a traveler to not just stay on the sidelines but to approach people and engage with them. These interactions can lead to surprising and meaningful experiences that will become wonderful memories and may have a lasting impact on your life. Give it a try; it’s worth it!

“There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered.” – Nelson Mandela


Traveling with an open heart and mind transforms mere trips into life-changing experiences. By embracing human-to-human encounters, we enrich our journeys with deep connections and profound insights.


The world is looking forward to welcoming you.