Alberghi diffusi


Right in the middle of Italian life, in a picturesque place, as a welcome guest! Experience the authenticity, originality and charm of a small village in the south, genuine history and warm people. Live in historic houses, meet the residents at the bakery or haggle with them at the weekly market, sit with them at dinner, enjoy the genuine hospitality and be integrated into village life. Feel accepted and at home. The “Alberghi diffusi” make all this possible. But what exactly is it?

A small, perhaps remote town in which time seems to have stood still, with a centuries-old history, is on the verge of extinction. Decay, destruction, unemployment, rural exodus. The people there see no future and so they leave. The place will slowly but surely die out. Giancarlo Dall’Ara, a professor of tourism marketing, faced this problem and developed a regional development concept for Italy, the “Alberghi Diffusi”, which translates roughly as “spacious hotels”.

The principle is quite simple: the place becomes an authentic, charming hotel! The hotel services are usually spread around the town center but offer everything that a hotel should: There are unique, charming holiday accommodations in various houses, common rooms, a reception and a local contact person. Breakfast with typical Italian delicacies can be had in the local bakery, for example. And for dinner, people like to meet in the trattoria, which serves regional dishes. And all other local facilities, such as the village shop or the swimming pool, are of course also available to guests. Various jobs are thus created in the town, which ensure a reliable income for the residents and prevent them from leaving their homeland behind.

To successfully implement the concept, the people living in the area must become active and invest together. Reconstruction and renovation work is being carried out, while retaining the originality and tradition of the area, a quality feature of the “Alberghi diffusi”. There are no huge hotel complexes and associated pool facilities, or access roads being built, nor is nature having to make way for this and environmental destruction being accepted. Many of the disadvantages of classic tourism are thus eliminated. The focus is on sustainability. All “Alberghi diffusi” are little gems, unique and special in their own way. What unites them is the passion and great commitment of their residents to preserve and revitalize the place. With their love for their homeland, they welcome guests enthusiastically and hospitably. In some places, programs are also offered for guests, such as courses in baking bread or working with wood. An opportunity to preserve traditions and crafts for future generations.

The “Alberghi diffusi” are a wonderful example of the good that tourism can do. That is why other countries have already adopted the concept! The fact that it is worth it is proven by over 100 enchanting places in Italy that have become unique, authentic holiday destinations thanks to this principle.


“Those who do not want to change anything will also lose what they want to preserve.” (Gustav Heinemann)


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