Nature trip Ecuador

From the Andes to the Rio Napo
Dates (16 days) 04.05.2025 - 19.05.2025 from/to Luxembourg, other airports upon request
Number of travellers 11-15 participants

Nature trip Ecuador

Ecuador impresses travelers above all with its magnificent nature and the warmth of its inhabitants. Even Alexander von Humboldt was impressed by the uniqueness of the country. Our journey takes us to pretty Andean villages and exciting archaeological sites, to the mystical cloud forest and the hot and humid rainforest on the lower Rio Napo, to the alpaca breeders and the national parks at the foot of the mighty volcanoes. You will learn about traditions and handicrafts, observe hummingbirds and condors, taste fine chocolate and marvel at the precision with which the Tsáchila determined the equator line in Quitsato 1000 years ago.

You will stay in historic haciendas and hosterias, in small lodges and stylish boutique hotels with flair – let yourself be enchanted by the warm-hearted Ecuadorian hospitality!

Our program allows for a gradual altitude adjustment, ensuring that healthy travelers experience no limitations. During the first few days, you will move at an altitude of 2550 metres to approx. 2950 metres above sea level, in Mindo National Park at approx. 1500 metres. The excursions to Antisana National Park, Cotopaxi National Park and Chimborazo take you to altitudes of 3800 to 4800 metres above sea level. The lowlands along the Rio Napo (Amazon basin) are around 250 metres above sea level.

Guided trip in German.

  • Experience culture
  • Enjoy nature

Travel itinerary

Day 1 Off to South America
  • Flight Luxembourg-Amsterdam (KLM, 06.10 a.m. -07.15 a.m.)
  • Flight Amsterdam-Quito (KLM, 09.50 a.m.-02.35 p.m.)
  • Transfer to the hotel
  • Overnight stay at the boutique hotel Ikala Quito**** in Quito
  • Night
Day 2 Colonial old town of Quito
  • Walk through the colonial old town
  • Free time
  • Welcome dinner in a local restaurant
  • Overnight stay at the boutique hotel Ikala Quito****
  • Breakfast
  • Diner
  • Night
Day 3 Villages, markets, traditions
  • Market visit in Angochagua
  • Visit to local communities in the Andes incl. lunch in a village
  • Learn about traditional customs (baking bread, pottery)
  • Overnight stay at the Hacienda Pinsaqui*** in the Otavalo area
  • Breakfast
  • Lunch
  • Diner
  • Night
Day 4 Artisans in the Andes
  • Visit the artisan villages in the Otavalo area
  • Insights into the traditional workshops of hat makers, weavers and musical instrument makers
  • Walk along Lake Cuicocha
  • Overnight stay at the Hacienda Pinsaqui***
  • Breakfast
  • Diner
  • Lunchbox
  • Night
Day 5 Quitsato: the equator, visit to a rose farm
  • Visit to the archaeological site of Quitsato
  • Visit to a rose farm
  • Drive to the cloud forest region
  • Overnight stay at the Satchatamia Lodge*** in Mindo
  • Breakfast
  • Diner
  • Lunchbox
  • Night
Day 6 Hummingbirds, orchids & chocolate
  • Walks/short hikes in Mindo National Park (cloud forest, mountain rainforest)
  • Visit to the orchid and butterfly garden
  • Hummingbird watching
  • Chocolate tasting
  • Overnight stay at the Satchatamia Lodge***
  • Breakfast
  • Lunch
  • Diner
  • Dégustation
  • Night
Day 7 "Cock of the Rock", archaeological site of Tulipe
  • Early morning excursion to observe the “Cock of the Rock” (short hike)
  • Visit to the archaeological site of Tulipe (prehistoric village of the Yumbos) and the museum
  • Overnight stay at the Hacienda Su Merced*** in Puembo
  • Breakfast
  • Diner
  • Lunchbox
  • Night
Day 8 Antisana National Park: Condors in the wild
  • Fauna and flora in Antisana National Park
  • Walk to the viewpoints
  • Observation of condors in the wild
  • Overnight stay at the Hacienda Los Mortinos*** near Cotopaxi National Park
  • Breakfast
  • Diner
  • Lunchbox
  • Night
Day 9 Picture-book volcano Cotopaxi, wild beauty of the Paramó
  • Fauna and flora in Cotopaxi National Park (short hike)
  • Observation of wild horses
  • Panoramic views of the Cotopaxi
  • Overnight stay at the Hosteria Abraspungo***(*) in Guano
  • Breakfast
  • Diner
  • Lunchbox
  • Dégustation
  • Night
Day 10 Alpacas and vicuñas on the Chimborazo
  • Visit to a small museum (traditions and way of life of the local population)
  • Visit to an alpaca farm (insights into the production process of alpaca wool and products)
  • Vicuñas in the Chimborazo National Park
  • Overnight stay at the Hacienda Su Merced*** in Puembo
  • Breakfast
  • Lunch
  • Diner
  • Night
Day 11 Into the rainforest
  • Flight Quito-El Coca (LATAM, 09.15-09.54 hrs)
  • Boat and canoe trip to the lodge
  • Free time to acclimatize and enjoy the lodge
  • Overnight stay at the Ecolodge Rio Napo Wildlife Centre***(*) in Yasuni National Park
  • Breakfast
  • Lunch
  • Diner
  • Dégustation
  • Night
Day 12 The fascination of the rainforest: Kichwa culture and birdwatching
  • Birdwatching in Yasuni National Park
  • Visit to the Kichwa Interpretation Centre “Kuri Muyu” (traditional art of the Kichwa)
  • Bird and mammal watching in Yasuni National Park
  • Overnight stay at the Ecolodge Rio Napo Wildlife Centre***(*)
  • Breakfast
  • Lunch
  • Diner
  • Night
Day 13 The fascination of the rainforest: sunrise, animal observation and night excursion
  • Sunrise observation (weather permitting) from the observation tower on the Rio Napo
  • Fauna and flora in Yasuni National Park (hike)
  • Canoe tour on Lake Añangu
  • Night excursion through the rainforest (short hike)
  • Overnight stay at the Ecolodge Rio Napo Wildlife Centre***(*)
  • Breakfast
  • Lunch
  • Diner
  • Night
Day 14 Shopping in Quito
  • Canoe and boat trip to Coca
  • Flight El Coca-Quito (LATAM, 10.40-11.16 hrs)
  • Free time in Quito (opportunity for shopping)
  • Farewell dinner in a local restaurant
  • Overnight stay at the boutique hotel Ikala Quito****
  • Breakfast
  • Diner
  • Night
Day 15 Goodbye South America
  • Visit to a local market
  • Transfer to the airport
  • Flight Quito-Amsterdam via Guayaquil (KLM, 03.45 p.m.-01.00 p.m., arrival the following day)
  • Breakfast
Day 16 Arrival in Europe
  • 01.00 p.m. Arrival in Amsterdam
  • Flight Amsterdam-Luxembourg (KLM, 5.00 p.m.-05.55 p.m.)
Program and flight times subject to change.
  • Breakfast
  • Lunch
  • Dinner
  • Lunchbox / Picnic
  • Tasting
  • Night

Prices (per person)

Double/twin room
6.495 €
Single room
7.995 €

Minimum number of participants is 11, maximum number of participants is 15.

Included services:

Flight with KLM Luxembourg - Amsterdam - Quito - Amsterdam - Luxembourg (Economy, fare classes L/N, subject to availability)
Flights with LATAM Quito-El Coca-Quito (Economy)
Airport fees & kerosene € 419.00 (as of 06/2024)
3 nights in the boutique hotel Ikala Quito****/Quito, in a double room including breakfast
2 nights at the Hacienda Pinsaqui***/ Otavalo region, in a double room including breakfast and dinner
2 nights at the Satchatamia Lodge***/Mindo, in a double room including breakfast and dinner
2 nights at the Hacienda Su Merced***/Puembo, in a double room including breakfast and dinner
1 overnight stay at the Hacienda Los Mortinos***/Cotopaxi region, in a double room including breakfast and dinner
1 overnight stay at the Hosteria Abraspungo***/Guano, in a double room including breakfast and dinner
3 nights at the Ecolodge Rio Napo Wildlife Centre***(*) in Yasuni National Park, in a double room including breakfast, lunch (at the lodge or en route), dinner
2x dinner in local restaurants (Quito)
8x lunch in local restaurants or lunchbox/picnic
Transfers, excursions and sightseeing as per program
Local German-speaking tour guide in the highlands (days 1-11 and 14/15, from/to Quito airport)
Local, specially trained German-speaking nature guide in the rainforest (days 11-14, from/to El Coca airport)
Travel literature
CO2 compensation (100%) via Atmosfair

*other airports available upon request

Return flight via Guayaquil

Not included are: Seat reservations KLM, additional excursions & activities, meals not mentioned, drinks, tips & personal expenses.

Authentic and sustainable

  • Small group (11-15 travelers)
  • Overnight stays in the highlands in beautiful boutique hotels, lodges and haciendas with lots of flair
  • Overnight stays in the rainforest in a comfortable ecolodge run by the local Kichwa community
  • Visits to local communities to learn about indigenous traditions
  • Visit to a local alpaca project
  • Chocolate tasting
  • Excursions in the rainforest with a specially trained nature guide
  • CO2 compensation (7.369 tonnes per traveler) via Atmosfair


Important information

To enter Ecuador, Luxembourgers and Germans require a passport that is valid for at least six months at the time of entry. Travelers are often asked for travel health insurance when entering the country. The passport must be in good condition and have at least one free page. No vaccinations are required for direct entry from Luxembourg/Netherlands/Germany. According to the DTG (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Tropenmedizin, Reisemedizin und Globale Gesundheit e.V.), there is a medium risk of malaria in Yasuni National Park. As with any long-distance trip, you should consult your family doctor in advance and keep your standard immunizations up to date. All Covid-19-related restrictions have currently been lifted. We would like to point out that this may change depending on the pandemic situation (as of 06/2024).

During the first few days, you will be at an altitude of 2550 to approx. 2950 metres above sea level, in Mindo National Park at approx. 1500 metres. The excursions to Antisana National Park, Cotopaxi National Park and Chimborazo take you to altitudes of 3800 to 4800 metres above sea level. The programme allows a slow adaptation to altitude, so that there are no restrictions for healthy travellers. The lowlands along the Rio Napo (Amazon basin) lie at around 250 metres above sea level.

Almost all accommodation offers WiFi, although network coverage is not always perfect. Please note that many hotels and lodges only offer non-smoking rooms. If some of the accommodation we have booked is unexpectedly unavailable, we will book an alternative of equal value (if possible).

For air travel, our sales prices are generally based on special and tour operator fares of the airline(s) selected for the trip in question. The space available is therefore limited, and bookings made three months or more before the start of the trip may be subject to surcharges.

You will receive further information about the trip and the destination with your travel documents.

No insurance is included in the tour price. We strongly recommend that you take out travel cancellation insurance in addition to travel health insurance. Both insurances should also cover Covid-19. In Ecuador, all treatments must be paid for in advance.

This trip is not suitable for guests with mobility issues. If necessary, please tell us the type of mobility restriction you have before booking and clarify with us whether we can meet your individual needs.

Planet B is a brand of Bollig Tours s.à r.l.. Bollig Tours is therefore named as the organizer in our general travel conditions.


Related document(s)

For further information about the trip and accommodation, see 'Detailed travel description' – currently available in German only. Contact us for more information.

Need more information?

We are happy to help. (+352) 72 97 22-97

121, route de Luxembourg
L-6562 Echternach

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